
A year-long course that dives deep into the material and helps take you to the next level. The course starts in January and runs through October. Attendees must either be homestudy students or past attendees of the live workshop. An invitation gets sent in late September with more details about the topics that are covered as well as class dates. Registration is now open.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the FastTrack course materials able to be downloaded online?

Nope. This site is simply a means to handle registration and payment for those using credit card or PayPal....If you're not paying on-line, just leave this page.. All content in the FastTrack workshop is delivered in hardcopy format in the live workshop.

I thought FastTrack cost $8,000 for a first-timer and $4,000 to retake. Yet, the checkout page shows $8300 and $4200. Why the difference?

At the gas station, there is one price for cash, and a different price to use a credit card. If you would rather pay with check, exit this page. Mail your payment to: Investing From The Beach, 1077 PCH #117 Seal Beach, CA 90740