Profits on Wall Street Live Class (likely held via webinar due to Covid, but maybe a hybrid)
There will NOT be a Summer 2022 POWS series - I’m going to enjoy some free Sundays for a few months!
The Fall 2022 Profits on Wall Street series will be held via live webinar. As we get into the fall, f the general public is accepting of large group gatherings, there may be a couple of “hybrid” sessions offered as well (webinar access will still be available for those who can’t travel. and there may be one or two face-to-face sessions for those who can travel to LA). Class dates are Sept 18; Oct 2; Oct 16; Oct 30 and Nov 13. Start time is noon pacific; end time will be 7pm to 8pm. As the dates get closer, I’ll let you know if, and which dates, will be the hybrid sessions (webinar and in-person).
The workshop will be held via GoToWebinar; The webinar access details will be emailed to attendees a few days before the first session.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The workshop starts at noon pacific; the expected end time is 7pm, although we often run long, due to questions from attendees. Location and logistics info will be emailed to attendees about one week in advance of the workshop.
What do I receive at the first class session?
You should have already been mailed the hardcopy materials. If there wasn’t enough time to ship course materials, then when you arrive a the workshop, you’ll be given two hardcopy manuals plus a usb memory drive containing an audio recording of the entire workshop.